The best way for smokers to reduce their risk of developing lung cancer is to stop…
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Ask Us Anything About… Sepsis
Sepsis happens when your immune system struggles to fight off infections. In the worst cases, sepsis leads to a life-threatening…
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The Medical Minute: What to do while you’re waiting for the ambulance
No one is prepared for a medical emergency, but when the unexpected happens, there are things…
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Ask Us Anything About… Women and Stress
In this special edition of Ask Us Anything About..., Lanae Ampersand, program manager for Behavioral Health…
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The Medical Minute: Want to breastfeed successfully? Turn to a lactation consultant
Lactation consultants can help new moms anticipate and overcome nearly any hurdle to breastfeed their babies…
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Ask Us Anything About… Stroke and Mini-strokes
We learn about mini-strokes as well as the increasing prevalence of strokes among young people from…
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The Medical Minute: Vaccination, conversation keys to protecting kids as they return to school
Just as the moves to protect students by keeping them at home required them to weather…
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As Us Anything About… Physical Therapy
Physiatrists -- physicians who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation -- work with you to treat…
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The Medical Minute: On the watch for pediatric cancers
No parent wants to hear the word “cancer.” Fortunately, few will, but it’s always smart to…
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Ask Us Anything About… Smoking Cessation
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, killing almost half a…
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